Sales Voicemail Scripts

Our sales voicemail receives a lot of calls. Most calls are returned quickly with a thank you and a follow-up call. To give prospects an immediate answer and give us the chance to provide more information, we use a few voicemail scripts.

These voicemail scripts show you what to say to prospects to convince them to purchase your product or service. These voicemail scripts are both applicable to the personal and professional environment. 1) “If I can just get a few minutes of my time, I will be able tell you why and what I am thinking.” 2) “I hope you don’t mind me bothering.” “I just wanted to let your know that I am a new customer and I am interested in your product/service.” I have been away for a while so I wanted to let your know that I am interested in your product/service.

There are sales reps everywhere. But what do they actually say? “You can’t clean a turd.” This message may appear in several voicemail greetings. However, if you are a B2B sales manager, these tips will help you stand out.

My buddy Tom managed Bottomline Technologies’ sales team. He made hundreds of calls per week and perfected the art of sales voicemail.

His sales reps were unable to contact prospects even with their best efforts. They had to leave voicemails 97% of all the time.

These voicemails might result in only one return call per day for a typical week. They were thrilled to receive callbacks, however. These were the most promising leads.

Tom asked himself a question. What if Tom could help his sales team leave effective voicemails that resulted a higher rate of callbacks? He could make the 97 percent of his effort and time work for him, instead of against him.

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Tom and his team worked closely with me. After two focus days, 27 calls were returned. This is an average of 13 additional chats per day. Two people converted that week. Boom!

It’s like wearing a pair of peg-leg jeans while sending snail mail. Voicemails are making an appearance in the world of sales!

What is the relevance of sales voicemail scripts?

Greater Chances of a callback A compelling voicemail message script will increase the chances of getting a callback.

After recognizing a prospect, the next step towards conversion is to establish a relationship with them. Every connection you make adds to the value of having a meaningful conversation.

Averagely, 11% of calls are answered within the first attempt. Similar results are seen for 22% who get responses after the second attempt. It is clear that the more you try to reach out to your prospect, you will be more successful. It is a common practice to leave sales voicemail scripts.

Surprisingly enough, most salespeople think that leaving voicemail messages for prospects is the minimum.

Before you stop contacting your prospect, make five to six calls. It is important to learn the best ways to leave a message. This will allow you to begin the process of building a relationship.

Even better, this can be done easily with a well-structured voicemail. You’ll be more likely to get a callback if you do this. Here are four reasons why salespeople must leave excellent voicemails

1. It’s your job for starters

It is a surprise to me that 80% vendors don’t leave a message if they have the chance. The prospect will likely be contacted five times before you give up. However, the true average is two calls. At the very minimum, you should leave a note and take a recording of the contact. This is a simple task, especially if you have a great sales voicemail script.

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It’s a plus that you might get a callback. Bonus!

2. It shows that you care.

If you don’t leave voicemails on your first call, you give the impression you aren’t important. If you don’t leave voicemails, it gives the impression that prospects aren’t important.

Our cold-calling strategy took a lot of effort and time. We seem to only be prepared for those occasions when we actually get a call from prospects. This isn’t prudent prospecting.

A few positive voicemail messages can send a much more positive message. It shows that you care about your prospect and that you believe that they are worth your time.

3. It’s a Different Kind Of Touch

It takes eight touches to get prospects to agree to meet with you, as we all know. A great voicemail is a nice touch. If done right, they can help with name recognition, urgency, professionalism, and other aspects.

Even adding some guilt to the last sales call could be a good idea. They all work well as sales strategies.

4. Voicemails eventually lead to callbacks

Some studies show that your chances of receiving a callback increase 10% for every message you leave. This is how it works.

  • The callback rate for the first voicemail message is 11%
  • The second voicemail rate is 22%.
  • Callback rate for 3rd voicemail is 33%
  • sales voicemail callback rates

Zoominfo reports that the average callback rate for one call is only 4.8 percent. However, it is possible to be sure that more success will come your way!

While there are many ways to make mistakes during a sales conversation, voicemail is not one-sided. This means that the risks of leaving a message are different. In my 11 years of training, I have seen eleven sales voicemail mistakes.

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Selling over the phone

It is a common mistake to try to sell your products or services over the phone, even if it is referred to as a “sales call”. It is understandable. Selling is our profession. We spend most of our day listening to voicemails.

  • If you try to sell by voicemail, however, you will be lucky to get 1% callbacks.
  • Here’s an example to show you how a voicemail script might look if it had a pitch.

“Hello, Max. Factor 8 has called LB. Because we are so excited to share our new community service with you, I’m calling. For years we have worked with inside sales teams that had 50 or more reps. Now, we are thrilled to welcome all businesses. Our new platform is called The Sales Bar. It all started with.

Honey is a good choice. When it comes to your “new product”, we’re all tired of you talking. Before you can sell, first you need to sell a meeting. Talk about the things they are interested in and not what you are trying to sell.